Publications Catalog

Publication results for: Publication Type: "Analytical" AND Publication Subtype: "Occasional Papers"

15 Publication(s)

ANALYTICAL - Occasional Papers
ID Title Published Publication SubType In Print
OP15 Collecting Diverse Data on Gender and Sexuality in Demographic and Health Surveys: An Overview (English) 03/2024 Occasional Papers No
OP14 Review of Health Facility Referrals for Severe Malaria in DHS Program Surveys (English) 08/2021 Occasional Papers No
OP13 Understanding the Link between Children's Living Arrangements and Children's Vulnerability, Care, and Well-being: The Role of Household-based Surveys (English) 08/2021 Occasional Papers No
OP12 Using Health Management Information Systems Data to Contextualize Survey-based Estimates of Fertility, Mortality, and Wasting (English) 04/2020 Occasional Papers No
OP11 Potential Implications of the Ghana and Nepal Follow-Up Studies for DHS Questionnaires and Fieldwork Procedures (English) 09/2018 Occasional Papers Yes
OP10 The Measurement of Non-Communicable Diseases in 25 Countries with Demographic and Health Surveys (English) 09/2015 Occasional Papers Yes
OP8 The Peru Continuous DHS Experience (English) 09/2014 Occasional Papers Yes
OP9 Youth Data Collection in DHS Surveys: An Overview (English) 08/2014 Occasional Papers Yes
OP7 Cost-Effectiveness of Integrating PMTCT and MNCH Services: An Application of the LiST Model for Malawi, Mozambique, and Uganda (English) 09/2013 Occasional Papers Yes
OP6 Costing the Standard Days Method (English) 07/2013 Occasional Papers Yes
OP5 Urban Women's Employment Trajectories in Ghana and Bolivia (English) 04/1996 Occasional Papers No
OP4 An Assessment of the Quality of Data on Age at First Union, First Birth, and First Sexual Intercourse for Phase II of the Demographic and Health Surveys Program (English) 06/1995 Occasional Papers No
OP3 Assessment of the Quality of Data Used for Direct Estimation of Infant and Child Mortality in DHS-II Surveys (English) 03/1995 Occasional Papers Yes
OP2 Autonomy and Egyptian Women: Findings from the 1988 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (English) 01/1995 Occasional Papers No
OP1 An Evaluation of the Pakistan DHS Survey Based on the Reinterview Survey (English) 05/1994 Occasional Papers No