Publication Types

Final Reports publish comprehensive survey results after completion of the fieldwork.

  • DHS Final Reports
    Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Final Reports publish comprehensive survey results from nationally-representative household surveys in the areas of population, health, and nutrition. Learn more.
  • MIS Final Reports
    Malaria Indicators Survey results (MIS) Final Reports publish comprehensive survey results from nationally-representative household surveys in the areas of malaria prevalence, testing, and more. Learn more.
  • SPA Final Reports
    Service Provision Assessment (SPA) Survey Final Reports publish comprehensive survey results of a country’s health service delivery. Learn more.
  • AIS Final Reports
    AIDS Indicator Survey (AIDS) Final Reports publish comprehensive survey results from nationally-representative household surveys in the areas of HIV/AIDS, OVC, and Youth. Learn more.
  • Other Final Reports
    Other Final Reports include various survey results including, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Final Report Supplements, and other non-standard reports. Learn more.

Key Indicators Reports/Preliminary Reports present initial findings relating to the principal topics in the survey.

Key Findings/Summary Reports provide a colorful synopsis of the more comprehensive Final Report and highlight key findings from each country's survey. In most cases, they are published in the language of the country, and are designed for use by policy makers and program planners in the survey countries. 

Fact sheets summarize the major results of surveys in brochure format. They usually show the most important indicators by background characteristic or trend.

The DHS Program often receives special requests from countries for non-standard dissemination items. These include topic-specific booklets, infographics, Wall Charts, Flyers, Policy Briefs, and Atlas Reports.

For most surveys, PowerPoint presentations are prepared for the national seminar launching the final report. The PowerPoint presentations summarize the major findings for each chapter of the survey report, showing results at the national and sub-national levels.

Analytical Reports provide comparative research for multiple countries and country-specific further analyses using DHS data. Learn more.

  • Analytical Studies
    Analytical Studies emphasize policy and program-relevant themes and research questions. Although these analyses typically involve use of DHS data from fewer countries than comparative reports, most are multi-country in approach to allow broad interpretation. 
  • Comparative Reports
    Comparative Reports are descriptive in their approach, contrasting findings from many countries to search for trends and patterns in important health and population indicators. The reports serve largely as reference documents and typically draw on all available DHS (and sometimes other) data collected over a recent time period. 
  • Further Analysis
    Further Analysis Reports provide results emanating from research that is typically based in and on a single DHS country. The projects usually entail collaborative work with host country representatives and are designed with two objectives: 1) to build local capacity and 2) to provide Further Analysis Reports that inform the reader about key program and policy issues within a host country. 
  • Methodological Reports
    Methodological Reports cover issues relating to the collection and analysis of DHS data, particularly focusing on new types of data. The reports offer insight on the successes and shortcoming of various approaches, and they offer recommendations for future data collection activities. 
  • Nutrition Reports
    Nutrition Reports includes updates on key international indicators of infant and young child feeding and micronutrients along with reports on technical nutrition data collection tools. 
  • Occasional Papers
    Occasional Papers are a series of analyses of DHS data covering selected data quality and country-specifics topics. 
  • Qualitative Research Studies
    DHS Qualitative Research Studies are designed to increase the validity and reliability of surveys, to examine the social context of issue of topical interest, and demonstrate how qualitative and quantitative approaches can be productively linked.
  • Spatial Analysis Reports
    Spatial Analysis combines the detailed geographic data collected in the DHS surveys with other DHS or 3rd party data to provide geographic analysis of key demographic and health topics.
  • Trend Reports
    Trend Reports provide an analysis of trends in fertility, family planning, and health in selected DHS countries with multiple surveys.
  • Working Papers
    The DHS Working Paper series is an unreviewed prepublication series of papers reporting on research in progress that is based on DHS data.

These documents provide guidance for implementing agencies in assessing their capacity and the overall strategy for The DHS Program’s capacity strengthening efforts. Learn more.

Methodology documents provide the questionnaires and manuals for conducting a DHS, AIS, or SPA survey. Learn more.