Publications Summary

Document Type
Qualitative Research Studies
Publication Topic(s)
Mali DHS, 2001
Recommended Citation
Yoder, P. Stanley and Mamadou Kani Konaté. 2004. Obtenir le consentement éclaire pour le test VIH; L'expérience de l'Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Mali. DHS Qualitative Research Studies No. 7. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro.
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Publication Date
January 2004
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(French language text) This study examined the process of administering an informed consent statement for giving blood for an anemia and an HIV test in a survey context, and was meant to assess interviewer performance and respondent understanding of the statement. Interviewers observed the use of the consent statement for 196 respondents and interviewed them right after they were asked to give blood. The study found that most interviewers explained the consent statement rather than reading it, that the majority of respondents understood their participation was voluntary, and that few respondents understood much about HIV or AIDS.


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