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Os determinantes proximos da fecundidade de Bongaarts no Nordeste, 1991
Authors: Morvan de Mello Moreira
Source: Cadernos de Estudos Sociais, Vol. 11, No. 2
Topic(s): Contraception
Country: Latin American/Caribbean
Published: JUN 2011
Abstract: Este artigo investiga a contribuicao dos fatores determinantes proximos da fecundidade sugeridos por Bongaarts para a determinacao dos atuais niveis de fecundidade nordestina, utilizando as informacoes da Pesquisa sobre Saude Familiar no Nordeste, 1991. Encontra-se que a anticoncepcao, seguida pelo nao casamento e a amamentacao, sao os principais fatores a distanciar a fecundidade do seu maximo biologico e que tais impactos sao socialmente diferenciados quando se tem em conta o nivel educacional da mulher. Sao levantadas consideracoes sobre possiveis fontes de explicacao para o fato de que a aplicacao do modelo de Bongaarts resulta em niveis de fecundidade inferiores aos encontrados a partir dos dados da Pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que a fecundidade declinou acentuadamente no Nordeste nos anos 80 e que, inclusive, as mulheres de mais alto nivel educacional ja teriam fecundidade abaixo do nivel de reposicao, basicamente em razao do aumento da contracepcao. This article, which is based on Brazil’s Demographic and Health Survey, 1991, analyses the contribution of the proximate determinants of fertility suggested by Bongaarts for determination of current level in Northeast Brazil. It is found that contraception, non-marriage and breastfeeding are the main factors for the reduction of the fertility from its biological level and that their role are socially differentiated by social condition measured by women’s education. Some assumptions are made about explanatory factors of the discrepancy between measured fertility level and that provided by the model. It is shown that was a rapid decline in the Northeast fertility during the 80’s and even that fertility is already below the replacement level among the most educated women mainly due to contraception. English: This article investigates the contribution of determinants near the fertility suggested by Bongaarts for the determination of current levels of northeastern fecundity, using information from the Research on Family Health in the Northeast, 1991. It is found that contraception, followed by non-marriage and breastfeeding, are the main factors to distance the fecundity from its biological maximum and that such impacts are socially differentiated when taking into account the educational level of women. Considerations are raised about possible sources of explanation for the fact that the application of the Bongaarts model results in fertility levels lower than those found from the research data. The results show that fertility declined sharply in the Northeast in the 1980s and that, even, women of higher educational level would already have fertility below the level of replacement, basically due to the increase in contraception. This article, which is based on Brazil's Demographic and Health Survey, 1991, analyses the contribution of the proximate determinants of fertility suggested by Bongaarts for determination of current level in Northeast Brazil. It is found that contraception, non-marriage and breastfeeding are the main factors for the reduction of the fertility from its biological level and that their role are socially differentiated by social condition measured by women's education. Some assumptions are made about explanatory factors of the discrepancy between measured fertility level and that provided by the model. It is shown that it was a rapid decline in the fertility northeasty during the 80's and even that fertility is already below the replacement level among the most educated women mainly due to contraception.