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The Determinants of Low Fertility in India
Authors: Arunachalam Dharmalingam, Sowmya Rajan, S. Philip Morgan
Source: Demography, 51(4): 1451-1475, DOI: 10.1007/s13524-014-0314-9
Topic(s): Fertility
Country: Asia
Published: AUG 2014
Abstract: Using a conceptual framework focusing on factors that enhance or reduce fertility relative to desired family size (see Bongaarts 2001), we study fertility variation across time (1992–2006) and space (states) in India. Our empirical analyses use data from three waves of the Indian National Family Health Surveys. We find that this framework can account for a substantial portion of the variation in the total fertility rate (TFR) over time and across states. Our estimates focus attention on the critical components of contemporary Indian fertility, especially desired family size, unwanted fertility, son preference, and fertility postponement.