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Sexual abstinence behavior among never-married youths in a generalized HIV epidemic country: evidence from the 2005 Côte d'Ivoire AIDS indicator survey
Authors: Koffi, Alain K • Kawahara, Kazuo
Source: BMC Public Health, 16;8:408. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-8-408.
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Sexual behavior
Country: Africa
  Cote D'Ivoire
Published: DEC 2008
Abstract: Sexual abstinence is the best available option for preventing both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. Identifying the factors associated with sexual abstinence among youths would have meaningful implications in a generalized HIV epidemic country such as the Côte d'Ivoire. Thus, we explored sexual abstinence behavior among never-married individuals aged 15 to 24 in Côte d'Ivoire and assessed factors that predict sexual abstinence.