DHS Survey Indicators Maternal and Child Health


Antenatal care  
Percent distribution of live births in the five (three) years preceding the survey by source of antenatal care during pregnancy, according to maternal and background characteristics.
Number of antenatal care visits and timing of first visit  
Percent distribution of women who had a live birth in the five (three) years preceding the survey by number of antenatal care (ANC) visits, and by the timing of the first visit.

Median number of antenatal care visits and median number of months of pregnancy before first visit  
Median number of antenatal care visits for live births in the five (three) years preceding the survey, and median number of months of pregnancy at the time of the first visit.


Antenatal care content 
Percentage of women with a live birth in the five (three) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth, by content of antenatal care.
Iron tablets/anti-malarial drugs 
Percentage of women with a live birth in the five (three) years preceding the survey who received iron tablets or syrup or anti-malarial drugs for the most recent birth.
Tetanus toxoid vaccination  
Percent distribution of last live births in the last five (three) years preceding the survey by number of tetanus toxoid injections given to the mother during pregnancy.

Place of delivery  
Percent distribution of live births in the last five (three) years preceding the survey, by place of delivery, according to selected background characteristics.
Assistance during delivery  
Percent distribution of live births in the last five (three) years preceding the survey, by type of assistance during delivery, according to selected background characteristics.

Characteristics of delivery
Percent distribution of live births in the last five (three) years preceding the survey by whether the delivery was by caesarian section, and by birth weight and the mother's estimate of baby's size at birth.
Delivery complications
Percentage of live births in the last five (three) years with complications of delivery, according to selected background characteristics.


Problems in accessing health care
Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in accessing health care for themselves when they are sick, by type of problem and background characteristics.

Use of smoking tobacco
Percentage of women who smoke cigarettes or tobacco and percent distribution of cigarette smokers by number of cigarettes smoked in preceding 24 hours, according to background characteristics and maternity status.


Vaccinations by source of information  
Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received specific vaccines at any time before the survey and the percentage vaccinated by 12 months of age, by whether the information was from a vaccination card or from the mother.
Vaccinations by background characteristics  
Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received specific vaccines by the time of the survey (according to the vaccination card or the mother's report) and the percentage with a vaccination card, by selected background characteristics.
Vaccinations in first year of life by current age  
Percentage of children one to four years of age, for whom a vaccination card was shown to the interviewer and the percentage vaccinated for BCG, DPT, polio and measles during the first year of life, according to current age of the child.

Prevalence and treatment of acute respiratory infection and of fever  
Percentage of children under three (five) years who were ill with a cough accompanied with rapid breathing and the percentage who were ill with fever during the two weeks preceding the survey, and the percentage of ill children who were treated with specific remedies, by selected background characteristics.

Diarrhea prevalence  
Percentage of children under three (five) years who had diarrhea and diarrhea with blood in the two weeks preceding the survey, and the percentage of children who diarrhea in the preceding 24 hours, by selected background characteristics.

Knowledge of diarrhea care  
Percentage of mothers with births in the last three (five) years preceding the survey who know about and ever used ORS packets, and know about appropriate feeding during diarrhea, by selected background characteristics.

Treatment of diarrhea  
Percentage of children under three (five) with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who were taken for a treatment to a healthy facility or provider, percentage who received oral rehydration solution (ORS), and percentage who did not receive any treatment.

Feeding practices during diarrhea  
Percent distribution of children under three (five) who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey, by feeding practices during diarrhea.

Drugs taken for fever  
Percentage of children under five years who were ill with fever during the two weeks preceding the survey, by type of anti-malarial drug taken, according to residence.
Hand-washing materials and facilities  
Percentage of households with hand-washing materials in dwelling/yard/plot, by background characteristics.
Disposal of child's stools  
Percent distribution of mothers whose youngest child under five years is living with her by way in which child's fecal matter is disposed of, according to background characteristics and type of toilet facilities in household.

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