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Religious Differentials in Fertility in India: Is There a Convergence?
Authors: Manoj Alagarajan , P M Kulkarni
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, VOL 43 No. 48 November 29 - December 05, 2008
Topic(s): Contraception
Country: Asia
Published: DEC 2008
Abstract: Analysis of the data from the three rounds of India’s National Family Health Survey shows that fertility transition is continuing in all the major religious groups of India. Substantial declines have occurred in fertility over the period encompassing the three rounds. The use of contraceptives has become more widely prevalent with a majority of couples wanting to stop childbearing at two or three children. Spatial variation is also noticeable with religious differentials being very small or negligible in some states. At the national level, religious differentials are narrowing though it is difficult to say when a convergence could occur. However, fertility for all religious groups is expected to fall further towards the replacement level and possibly to below this level.