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Environmental and Nutritional Determinants of Diarrhoea Disease Among Children Under Five Years in Rwanda: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2014-15
Authors: Christian J. Ishimwe, Erigene Rutayisire, and Onesmus Marete
Source: Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 3 (2020)
Topic(s): Children under five
Environmental health
Water supply
Water treatment
Country: Africa
Published: DEC 2020
Abstract: Background: Diarrhoea remains one of the leading of causes of deaths in children under five years old globally. Children under five years are more vulnerable to diarrhea especially those from low and middle countries. The aim of this study was to explore the environmental and nuttitional factors associated with diarrhea among children underfive years in Rwanda. Methods: A secondary data analysis of the Rwanda Demographic and Heralth Survey 2014-2015 (RDHS 2014-2015) was used. A total sample of 7,558 children under five years old was included. The data were analysed using Stata 13. Bivariate with Chi-square test and multivariable logistic regression analysis were performed to assess the relashionship of factors associsted with diarreha. A 95% confidence interval and a significance level of 0.05 were set. Results: Two environmental factors (Source of drinking water and shared toilets facilities with other households) were associated with child diarrhea. P-values: 0.029, OR:1.79, CI [1.06-3.01]; 0.019, OR:1.26, CI: [1.04-1.53] respectively. None of the selected nutritional factors was associated with childhood diarrhea. Conclusion: Based on the findings, drinking borehole water and shared toilet facilities were associated with diarrhea. The study therefore recommends the provision of potable water and supporting/enabling the households to own toilets.