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Parity Progression Analysis to Study the Urban-rural Differentials in Fertility in Uttar Pradesh
Authors: Padum Narayan, Arvind Pandey, Dilip C. Nath, and Saritha Nair
Source: Janasamkhya, Vol. XXXV
Topic(s): Education
Family planning
Rural-urban differentials
Country: Asia
Published: JUN 2017
Abstract: The study made an effort to examine the rural –urban differentials in the staging of the process of childbearing in the state of Uttar Pradesh using birth history data from NFHS-3, using parity progression ratios. The results are useful to provide an empirical insights into the family building process in state of Uttar Pradesh. It is evident that without drastically reduction in values of PPR at parities 2,3 and 4, fertility reduction in the state of Uttar Pradesh to an applicable degree, could not be achieved in near future. Hence there is an urgent need to address the excess fertility in rural areas through wide coverage of information, education and communication of family planning benefits and by enhancing women’s education, standard of living and access to modern family planning methods.