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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Utilising Maternal and Child Health Services in Uttar Pradesh, India
Authors: Prem Shankar Mishra and T. S. Syamala
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 55, Issue No. 43
Topic(s): Antenatal care
Child health
Delivery care
Maternal health
Postnatal care
Wealth Index
Country: Asia
Published: OCT 2020
Abstract: Although there are multiple vulnerabilities that may prevent access to maternal and child health services in India, the literature has so far focused on unidimensional vulnerabilities—typically, economic or social vulnerabilities. The linkages between multiple vulnerabilities and the utilisation of MCH services are investigated using data from National Family Health Survey-4 (2015–16) for Uttar Pradesh to analyse whether women received full antenatal care, institutional delivery care, postnatal care, and full immunisation for their children. Bivariate analysis and binomial logistic regression analysis are employed to examine the multiple vulnerabilities that service utilisation across three dimensions—education, wealth, and caste. Women with multiple vulnerabilities are less likely to utilise essential MCH services.