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Socioeconomic factors associated with anaemia among children aged 6–59 months in Namibia
Authors: Panduleni Penipawa Shimanda, Hans Justus Amukugo, and Fredrik Norström
Source: Journal of Public Health in Africa, Vol 11(1); DOI: 10.4081/jphia.2020.1131
Topic(s): Anemia
Child health
Children under five
Country: Africa
Published: APR 2020
Abstract: Background: Anaemia remains a public health concern, and the its prevalence varies between countries as well as between age, sex and levels of poverty. This study aims at examining the association between socio-demographic factors and anaemia among children aged 6–59 months in Namibia. Methods: Data was extracted from the 2013 Namibian Demographic Health Survey. The association between anaemia and other factors was examined with logistic regression. Results are reported in odds ratio (OR), with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: In total, 1,383 children aged 6–59 months had complete data and included in the analyses. Our study shows that there is a statistically significantly increased risk of anaemia among children from poorer households compared with the richest quintile. Also, there was a statistically significance supporting anaemia being more common among boys than girls. There was also a statistically significant negative effect related to age. Discussion: Our study shows that young children, boys and children in poorer households have an increased risk of anaemia. Considering the adverse impact of anaemia on child development, policies must prioritise factors exacerbating anaemia risk.