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Estimation of District Level TFR of Eight EAG States and Assam from NFHS-4, 2015-16
Authors: A.A. Jayachandran, and Faujdar Ram
Source: Demography India, 48(1): 63-73
Topic(s): Fertility
Country: Asia
Published: JUN 2019
Abstract: Measuring district level total fertility rate is an important activity as the progress of district level health interventions need to be monitored from time to time. The third round of Annual Health Survey conducted in 2012-13 estimated the fertility rates for districts of eight EAG states and Assam and these estimates are the latest official fertility rates for districts available until now. This paper tried to address the information gap exist in the country by directly estimating district level total fertility rates in these states. Using the birth histories data of the latest round of NFHS-4 conducted in 2015-16, and the STATA tfr 2 procedure we directly estimated district level fertility rate for eight EAG states and Assam and presented along with confidence interval. Results obtained in such exercise are likely to be useful for programme monitoring of Government sponsored flagship programmes like Mission Parivar Vikas implemented by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Aspirational Districts Programme implemented by NITI Aayog. The paper also suggests to consider these estimates as baseline levels and urge forthcoming series of NFHS to produce district level fertility rates. Keywords: TFR, NFHS, MoHFW, Mission Parivar Vikas programme and EAG states.