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Effect of Sample Size on Estimation of Fertility using Open Birth Interval Data
Authors: Ruchi Mishra, K. K. Singh, Brijesh P. Singh, and Sweta Singh
Source: Demography India, 47(1): 79-88
Topic(s): Data use
Country: Asia
Published: JAN 2018
Abstract: This paper attempts to provide a sample size with which fertility can be precisely estimated using open-birth interval data. Two fertility estimators, based on open-birth interval information, are used in this paper and it is shown that how the sample size affects the behavior of these estimators. This paper shows that the two estimators use data which involves same cost and labor at the time of collection, in one method the same precision can be obtained with the half of the sample size only that would be required to give fertility estimation using the other estimator. The data used in this paper have been taken from NFHS-3 for three states having different levels of fertility.