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A Probabilistic Study of Heterogeneity of Sterility in Uttar Pradesh
Authors: Brijesh P. Singh, Shweta Dixit, and Sandeep Singh
Source: Demography India, Special Issue(2017): 04-15
Topic(s): Fertility
Country: Asia
Published: APR 2017
Abstract: A Sterile female has no children by their deliberate choice or because of biologically infertility. Females who are childless by chance are not considered to be sterile. The object is to estimate the proportion of sterile females in Uttar Pradesh indirectly based on the NFHS- I & III data, by separating the two types of childless females into sterile and fertile one. Method of moment has been used for fitting the truncated and inflated negative binomial distribution to the data obtained from the females of age group 20-35 years whose age at marriage is below 20 years. Based on the fitted distribution, the proportion of sterile females is estimated at 2.4 and 3.2 percent for all females of NFHS-I & III respectively. This estimate is much lower than the corresponding estimate of sterile females in the USA, which was estimated at 11%. The difference between the two can be due to some socio-cultural factors influencing the deliberate choice of females to have no children. In the urban area proportion of sterile females are more than the rural females, also it is observed that in Uttar Pradesh the proportion of sterile females are increasing over the period. Introduction