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Future directions for reducing inequity and maximising impact of child health strategies
Authors: Sarah L Dalglish, Joanna J Vogel, Geneviève Begkoyian, Luis Huicho, Elizabeth Mason, Elisabeth Dowling Root, Joanna Schellenberg, Abiy Seifu Estifanos, Rajani Ved, Fernando C Wehrmeister, Guilhem Labadie, and Cesar G Victora
Source: Strategic Review of Child Health, 362: k2684; DOI: 10.1136/bmj.k2684
Topic(s): Child health
Country: More than one region
  Multiple Regions
Published: JUL 2018
Abstract: Current global child health strategies have reduced wealth based inequities in care seeking for childhood illness, but we need much greater emphasis on equity in strategy design and implementation, say Sarah L Dalglish and colleagues