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Understanding women's empowerment and its determinants in post-communist countries: Results of Azerbaijan national survey
Authors: Nazim Habibov, Betty Jo Barrett, and Elena Chernyak
Source: Women's Studies International Forum, 62: 125-135; DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2017.05.002
Topic(s): Gender
Women’s empowerment
Country: Asia
Published: MAY 2017
Abstract: Using data from 1451 women from the Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey (AZDHS), the present study provided an evaluation of Kishor's (2000) framework for women's empowerment through an investigation of the relationship between four sources of empowerment (education, relative education compared to partner, relative earnings compared to partner, wealth index) and five settings of empowerment (age, population density, region of residence, community education, and community wealth) on the level of evidence of women's empowerment in three areas (women's participation in household decision making, attitudes towards wife beating, and women's ability to refuse sexual intercourse). Findings suggest that the relationship between sources, settings, and evidence of empowerment is at times paradoxical, particularly for women who achieve equal or higher educational or earning status in relation to their male partners. Implications of these findings for the further refinement of theoretical models of women's empowerment which centralize an analysis of patriarchy are provided. Understanding women's empowerment and its determinants in post-communist countries: Results of Azerbaijan national survey. Available from: [accessed Dec 06 2017]. Keywords Azerbaijan; Empowerment; International Development; Gender; Feminism