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2. Women in North-East India and the rest: An analysis of national family health survey-4 DATA
Authors: Haydar Shabana, De Bipul
Source: Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Pages: 1-21
Topic(s): Women’s empowerment
Country: Asia
Published: JUN 2016
Abstract: Women empowerment is the necessary condition for social and economic development. In the process of reducing gender discrimination, the government of India have been implementing various schemes and programmes providing ways and means towards women development and empowerment. On that backdrop our study tries to capture the women status of North East States compare to the so called advanced and less developed states of India after seven decades of independence. The study is based on the recently published NFHS-4, first level data. An effort has been made to explore the relative position of women on the basis of women empowerment, knowledge about the safety measures and gender based violence. However the observations are alarming. India women are discriminated and marginalized at every level, they have not absolutely free from some discrimination and harassment of the society. Women are discriminated and marginalized in social participation, economic participation, and access to education. Government initiatives alone would not be sufficient to achieve this goal. Society must take initiative to create a climate in which there is no gender discrimination. NGOs can play a crucial role here. Law and order should be strictly maintained. Lastly women empowerment cannot be possible unless women come with and help to self-empower themselves through education. Keywords Equity, gender based violence, safety measures, women empowerment, women status