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Kualitas Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana dan Penggantian Kontrasepsi di Indonesia
Authors: Mugia Bayu Rahardja
Source: Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 6(3): 140; DOI:
Topic(s): Contraception
Family planning
Service utilization
Country: Asia
Published: DEC 2011
Abstract: The success of family planning (FP) program is measured not only by the improvement of contraceptive prevalence but also by the effectiveness. This research uses the data of the 2007 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey calendar data by employing a random-effect logistic regression model. The objective is to study the influence of FP services quality and other socioeconomic and demographic factors on switching contraceptive behavior in Indonesia. The results of descriptive analysis show that the percentage of contraceptive switching is higher on women who are younger, have less children, less than 10 years of marital age, have high education, have high economic status, who did not get informed choice and get visit from FP officers in last 6 months, who use implants, stop using contraceptive in order to get others method which more effective and living in urban areas. The multivariate analysis results show that the quality of FP services which consists of informed choice and FP officer’s visit significantly influence the possibility of FP acceptor to switch their contraceptive method. The result of this research also supports the previous researches that socioeconomic and demography factors significantly influence the possibility of FP acceptor to switch their contraceptive method. Key words: Family planning, quality of services, contraceptive switching