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Correlation of Unmet Need and Discontinuation in Ethiopia: a View
Authors: Yishak A Lailulo, and A Sathiya Susuman
Source: Journal of Asian and African Studies, 51(6): 656-668; DOI:
Topic(s): Family planning
Unmet need
Country: Africa
Published: DEC 2016
Abstract: A few key factors affecting usage of all methods and contraceptive discontinuation among women whom are currently married in Ethiopia are discussed. What are the factors affecting women’s contraceptive use? The aim is to explore the two regions on the basis of high total fertility rate (TFR) regions (Oromiya (5.6) and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR) (4.9)) in the Ethiopian demographic and health survey (EDHS) 2011. A descriptive and comparative study using the quantitative research method is chosen to address the above research question. The study findings show that the contraceptive discontinuation rate for users of all types of methods is 37%. The highest women’s discontinuation rate is for the pill which is 70% due to side effects. Keywords: Family planning, unmet need, spacing, limiting, discontinuation