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Analysis on the Influences of the Indicators of Women’s Empowerment on Their Reproductive Health Practices: A Study from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS)
Authors: Asabe Ibrahim
Source: Indian Streams Research Journal, Volume : IV, Issue : X; DOI : 10.9780/22307850
Topic(s): Reproductive health
Women's health
Women’s empowerment
Country: Africa
Published: NOV 2014
Abstract: A large body of research has attempted to explore the relationships between womens empowerment and their reproductive health practices in some developing countries. The objective of this study is to investigate whether womens empowerment in Nigeria has relation with their reproductive health outcomes. The study uses the Nigerian Demographic Health Survey (NDHS 2008). Three dimensions of empowerment were considered in the study; these include household decision making and attitudes to wife beating and attitude to refusal of sexual intercourse. We determine if the dimensions of womens empowerment considered have any effect on womens reproductive health outcomes in Nigeria. The study reveals that womens empowerment has a direct and significant influence on their reproductive health practices in Nigeria. The study clearly reveals that lack of womens participation in their household decisions compromise womens reproductive health in Nigeria.