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Age at Menopause and Its Association with Anaemia, Age at First Birth and Body Mass Index
Authors: K. K. Singh; Brijesh P. Singh; and Gunjan Singh
Source: Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(11): 69-81
Topic(s): Anemia
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Country: Asia
Published: NOV 2013
Abstract: For the analysis of Prevalence of menopause data has been taken from National Family Health Survey-III for the state of Uttar Pradesh from all eligible females aged 25 to 49 years in the household of sample size 6913. Prevalence method has been carried out to study the onset of menopause according to anaemia status, age of respondent at first birth and body mass index (BMI) separately. The estimates of risk to attain menopause in the age group 40–45 years for anaemic females is found 0.1541, whereas, among non-anaemic females it is found 0.3394, also same trend is observed in other age groups. These estimates in age group 40–45 years among underweight, normal and overweight females are observed 0.3740, 0.3427 and 0.2306 respectively. Contrary to expectation anaemia showed a negative relationship with menopause as risk of menopause is found high in non-anaemic females as compared to anaemic females.