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An Application of Boolean Analysis for the study of transition from traditional to non-traditional family and reproductive behaviors: the case of India
Authors: Maria Chiara di Cesare
Source: Genus, Vol. 64, No. 3/4 (July - December 2008), pp. 137-154
Topic(s): Family structure
Country: Asia
Published: DEC 2008
Abstract: The aim of this paper is the analysis of the transition from traditional to nontraditional family and reproductive behaviours. The data we used are the second Indian National Family Health Survey (NFHS-2) 1998-99. The methodology we applied is the Boolean Analysis for the definition of the main paths of the behavioural transition. We are interested in describing the co-occurrences of factors related to each of the following two hypotheses: i) transition is due to the individual decision in changing behaviours, or ii) transition is due to the social decision to determine behavioural changes. Results show that the social component is the main actor in starting the process of integration towards non-traditional family and reproductive behaviours.