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The proliferation of female sterilization in Brazil and India: A comparative analysis of the cohort and parity effects
Author(s): Tiziana Leone and Sabu S. Padmadas
Journal: Genus (NOV 2007) , Vol. 63, No. 3/4 (July - December 2007), pp. 77-97
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): India, Brazil
Author(s): Amonker, Ravindra G.; Brinker, Gary
Journal: International Journal of Sociology of the Family (OCT 2007) , Autumn2007, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p326-348, 23p
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): India
Fertility and union dissolution in Brazil: an example of multi-process modelling using the Demographic and Health Survey calendar data.
Author(s): Leone, Tiziana; Hinde, A.
Journal: Demographic Research (OCT 2007) , 17(7): 157-180.
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender
Country(s): Brazil
The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation on the Onset of Sexual Activity and Marriage in Guinea
Author(s): Ronan Van Rossem and Anastasia J. Gage
Journal: Archives of Sexual Behavior (OCT 2007) , October 18, 2007
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Guinea
The Impact of Pregnancy Intention on Breastfeeding Duration in Bolivia and Paraguay
Author(s): Carrie K. Shapiro-Mendoza, Beatrice J. Selwyn, David P. Smith, Maureen Sanderson
Journal: Studies in Family Planning (SEP 2007) , 38 (3), 198–205
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Bolivia
Natural intentions: Fertility decline in the African Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Hanks, J.J.
Journal: American Journal of Sociology (SEP 2007) , Vol 112, Num 4, Page: 1008-1043
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Predictors of Unintended Pregnancy among South African Youth
Author(s): L D Ibisomi, and C O Odimegwu
Journal: Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (SEP 2007) , Vol. 23 (1) 2007: pp. 61-80
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Youth
Country(s): South Africa
Late marriage and the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Bongaarts, J.
Journal: Population Studies (AUG 2007) , Vol 61, Num 1, Page: 73-83
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Falling fertility and rising anaemia?
Author(s): Bose, A.
Journal: Economic and Political Weekly (JUL 2007) , Vol 41, Num 37, Page: 3923-3926
Topic(s): Anemia , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Malaria , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Economic Disparity and Child Survival in Cambodia
Author(s): R Hong; V Mishra; J Michael
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (JUL 2007) , 2007 Vol. 19 No. 2
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Infant and Child Mortality , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Cambodia
Effects of modernisation on desired fertility in Egypt
Author(s): Angela Baschieri * (
Journal: Population, Space and Place (JUN 2007) , Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 353 - 376
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Geographic Information
Country(s): Egypt
Effects of antenatal care services on birthweight: importance of model specification and empirical procedure used in estimating the marginal productivity of health inputs
Author(s): Celik Y, Younis MZ.
Journal: Journal of Medical Systems (JUN 2007) , 31(3):197-204.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Maternal Health
Country(s): Turkey
Maternal Health and Care-Seeking Behavior In Bangladesh: Findings from a National Survey
Author(s): Michael A. Koenig, Kanta Jamil, Peter K. Streatfield, Tulshi Saha, Ahmed Al-Sabir, Shams El Arifeen, Ken Hill and Yasmin Haque
Journal: International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly: International Family Planning Perspectives) (JUN 2007) , Volume 33, Number 2, June 2007
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Maternal Health
Country(s): Bangladesh
HIV, ABC and DHS: age at first sex in Uganda
Author(s): M Gersovitz
Journal: Sexually Transmitted Infections (APR 2007) , 83(2): 165–168, doi: 10.1136/sti.2006.021576
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Uganda
The distribution of closed birth intervals in females in Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): Yadava, R.C., S.S. Sharma
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (MAR 2007) , Vol 39, Num 2, Page: 189-199
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): India
Educational reversals and first-birth timing in sub-Saharan Africa: A dynamic multilevel approach
Author(s): Derose, L.F., O. Kravdal
Journal: Demography (FEB 2007) , Vol 44, Num 1, Page: 59-77
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Kematian Perinatal di Indonesia dan Faktor yang Berhubungan, Tahun 1997-2003
Author(s): Meidy Farenti Prameswari
Journal: Kesmas: National Public Health Journal (FEB 2007) , 1(4): 154; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Indonesia
Explaining son preference in rural India: The independent role of structural versus individual factors
Author(s): Pande, R.P., N.M. Astone
Journal: Population Research and Policy Review (FEB 2007) , Vol 26, Num 1
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): India
The proximate determinants of fertility and birth intervals in Egypt: An application of calendar data
Author(s): Angela Baschieri; Andrew Hinde
Journal: Demographic Research (JAN 2007) , VOLUME 16, ARTICLE 3, PAGES 59-96 DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2007.16.3
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Egypt
Fertility Change in Egypt: From Second to Third Birth
Author(s): Daniele Vignoli
Journal: Demographic Research (DEC 2006) , Volume 15, Article 18, Pages 499-516
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Egypt
Indoor air pollution in India and baby’s size at birth: Is there a link?
Author(s): Ghosh, S.
Journal: World Health and Population (DEC 2006) , Page: 1-17
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): India
Using Strength of Fertility Motivations to Identify Family Planning Program Strategies
Author(s): Ilene S. Speizer
Journal: International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly: International Family Planning Perspectives) (DEC 2006) , 2006, 32(4):185–191
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Ghana, Burkina Faso, Multiple African Countries, Kenya
Trends in Protective Behaviour among Single vs. Married Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Big Picture
Author(s): John Cleland, Mohamed M Ali, Iqbal Shah
Journal: Reproductive Health Matters (NOV 2006) , Volume 14, Issue 28, November 2006, Pages 17-22, doi:10.1016/S0968-8080(06)28250-8
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Completing the fertility transition: Third birth developments by language groups in Turkey
Author(s): Sutay Yavuz
Journal: Demographic Research (NOV 2006) , VOLUME 15, ARTICLE 15, PAGES 435-460
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Turkey
Toward smaller family size in Yemen: a demographic analysis.
Author(s): Vijayan K. Pillai; T. S. Sunil
Journal: Asian Population Studies (NOV 2006) , Volume 2, Issue 3 November 2006 , pages 257 - 269
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Yemen
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