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Polygyny and the spread of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a case of benign concurrency
Author(s): Reniers, Georges; Watkins, Susan
Journal: AIDS (JAN 2010) , January 2010 - Volume 24 - Issue 2 - p 299–307
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Limited progress in increasing coverage of neonatal and child-health interventions in Africa and Asia
Author(s): Boschi-Pinto C, Bahl R, Martines J.
Journal: Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition (DEC 2009) , 27(6):755-62.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Multiple African Countries, Multiple Asian Countries
Urban and rural differences across countries in child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Anyamele OD.
Journal: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Countries (NOV 2009) , 20(4 Suppl):90-8. doi: 10.1353/hpu.0.0199.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Does Education Affect HIV Status? Evidence from five African Countries.
Author(s): de Walque, D.
Journal: World Bank Economic Review (NOV 2009) , 23(2): 209-233
Topic(s): Education , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
What Explains the Rural-Urban Gap in Infant Mortality: Household or Community Characteristics?
Author(s): Ellen Van de Poel, Owen O’Donnell, Eddy Van Doorslaer
Journal: Demography (NOV 2009) , Volume 46, Number 4, November 2009
Topic(s): Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Fertility preferences and the need for contraception among women living with HIV: the basis for a joint action agenda.
Author(s): Johnson, Kiersten B; Akwara, Priscilla; Rutstein, Shea O; Bernstein, Stan
Journal: AIDS (NOV 2009) , 23: S7-S17, November 2009.
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Eswatini, Lesotho
Household Composition Among Elders in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Context of HIV/AIDS
Author(s): Zimmer, Zachary
Journal: Journal of Marriage and Family (NOV 2009) , Volume 71, Number 4, November 2009 , pp. 1086-1099(14); DOI:
Topic(s): Adult Health Issues , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
The use of insecticide treated nets by age: implications for universal coverage in Africa
Author(s): Abdisalan M Noor, Viola C Kirui, Simon J Brooker and Robert W Snow
Journal: BMC Public Health (OCT 2009) , 2009, 9:369 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-369
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Malaria
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Intimate partner violence and contraception use among women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Alio AP, Daley EM, Nana PN, Duan J, Salihu HM.
Journal: International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (OCT 2009) , 107(1):35-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2009.05.002.
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Family Planning , Maternal Health
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Geo-additive models of childhood undernutrition in three sub-Saharan African countries
Author(s): Ngianga B. Kandala, Ludwig Fahrmeir, Stephan Klasen, and Jan Priebe
Journal: Population Space & Place (SEP 2009) , Volume 15, Issue 5, pages 461–473, DOI: 10.1002/psp.524
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple African Countries, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia
Providing information on pregnancy complications during antenatal visits: unmet educational needs in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Nikima, Batrice; Beninguisse, Gervais; Haggerty, Jeannie L
Journal: Health Policy and Planning (SEP 2009) , Volume 24, Number 5, 13 September 2009 , pp. 367-376(10), DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning , Maternal Health
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Factors associated with attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women: a comparative analysis of 17 sub-Saharan countries.
Author(s): Uthman OA, Lawoko S, Moradi T.
Journal: BMC International Health and Human Rights (SEP 2009) , 2009 ;9:14.
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Gender
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Overweight and obesity in urban Africa: A problem of the rich or the poor?
Author(s): Abdhalah K Ziraba, Jean C Fotso, Rhoune Ochako
Journal: BMC Public Health (JUN 2009) , 2009, 9:465, doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-465
Topic(s): Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Estimation of undernutrition and mean calorie intake in Africa: Methodology, findings and implications
Author(s): Cornelia FA van Wesenbeeck, Michiel A Keyzer and Maarten Nubé
Journal: International Journal of Health Geographics (JUN 2009) , 2009; 8: 37; Published online 2009 June 27. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-8-37
Topic(s): Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Regional Inequalities and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Østby, Gudrun; Nordås, Ragnhild; Rød, JanKetil
Journal: International Studies Quarterly (JUN 2009) , Volume 53, Number 2, June 2009 , pp. 301-324(24); DOI:
Topic(s): Geographic Information , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Are Female Orphans at Risk for Early Marriage, Early Sexual Debut, and Teen Pregnancy? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Palermo, Tia; Peterman, Amber
Journal: Studies in Family Planning (JUN 2009) , Volume 40, Number 2, June 2009 , pp. 101-112(12); DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Sex ratio at birth and family composition in sub-saharan Africa: inter-couple variations
Author(s): Garenne M.
Journal: Journal of Biosocial Science (MAY 2009) , 41(3):399-407. doi: 10.1017/S0021932008003106. Epub 2008 Oct 10
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Trends in marriage and time spent single in sub-Saharan Africa: a comparative analysis of six population-based cohort studies and nine Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Marston, M; Slaymaker, E; Cremin, I; Floyd, S; McGrath, N; Kasamba, I; Lutalo, T; Nyirenda, M; Ndyanabo, A; Mupambireyi, Z; Zaba, B
Journal: Sexually Transmitted Infections (APR 2009) , 85 Suppl 1:i64-i71, April 2009
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Condom Use for Preventing STI/HIV and Unintended Pregnancy Among Young Men in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Akinrinola Bankole, Susheela Singh, Rubina Hussain, and Gabrielle Oestreicher
Journal: American Journal of Men's Health (MAR 2009) , vol. 3, no. 1, 60-78
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Stall in fertility decline in Eastern African countries: regional analysis of patterns, determinants and implications
Author(s): Alex C. Ezeh, Blessing U. Mberu, and Jacques O. Emina
Journal: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (MAR 2009) , vol. 34, no. 1532, pages 2991-3007
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Timing of children's vaccinations in 45 low-income and middle-income countries: an analysis of survey data
Author(s): Andrew Clark MA, Dr Colin Sanderson PhD
Journal: Lancet (MAR 2009) , Early Online Publication, 20 March 2009
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): Multiple Asian Countries, Multiple African Countries, Multiple L.A./Caribbean Countries, Multiple Regions
Poverty and non-communicable diseases in South Africa
Author(s): Schneider M, Bradshaw D, Steyn K, Norman R, Laubscher R.
Journal: Scandanavian Journal of Public Health (MAR 2009) , 37(2):176-86. doi: 10.1177/1403494808100272. Epub 2009 Jan 22
Topic(s): Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
The independent contribution of individual-, neighbourhood-, and country-level socioeconomic position on attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women in sub-Saharan Africa: A multilevel model of direct and moderating effects.
Author(s): Uthman OA, Moradi T, Lawoko S.
Journal: Social Science and Medicine (MAR 2009) , 2009; ePub(ePub): ePub.
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Gender
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Insecticide-treated net coverage in Africa: mapping progress in 2000–07
Author(s): Abdisalan M Noor; Juliette J Mutheu; Andrew J Tatem; Simon I Hay; Robert W Snow
Journal: Lancet (JAN 2009) , Volume 373, Issue 9657, Pages 58 - 67
Topic(s): Geographic Information , Malaria
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Spousal violence and potentially preventable single and recurrent spontaneous fetal loss in an African setting: cross-sectional study
Author(s): Alio, A.P.; Nana, P.N.; Salihu, H.M.
Journal: Lancet (JAN 2009) , Volume 373, Issue 9660, Pages 318 - 324, 24 January 2009 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60096-9
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Maternal Health
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
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