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Inequalities among malnourished children in India A decomposition analysis from 1992-2006
Author(s): Prakash M, and Jain K
Journal: International Journal of Social Economics (JUN 2016) , 43(6): 643-659; DOI:
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): India
Patterns and determinants of antenatal care utilization: analysis of national survey data in seven countdown countries
Author(s): Saad-Haddad G, DeJong J, Terreri N, Restrepo-Méndez MC, Perin J, Vaz L, Newby H, Amouzou A, Barros AJ, and Bryce J
Journal: Journal of Global Health (JUN 2016) , 6(1): 010404; DOI: 10.7189/jogh.06.010404
Topic(s): Anthropometry/Biomarkers , Child Health and Development , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Cameroon, Uganda, Senegal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Peru, Multiple Regions
Marital relationship and childhood deaths: substantiation from India
Author(s): Sinha, Atreyee, and Aparajita Chattopadhyay
Journal: Journal of Family Welfare (JUN 2016) , 1(62)
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): India
Analysis of child deprivation in India: Focus on health and educational perspectives
Author(s): Soumyendra Kishore Datta, and Krishna Singh
Journal: Economic Analysis and Policy (JUN 2016) , 50: 120-130; DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2016.03.003
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Education , Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): India
Trend in Infant and Young Child Feeding practices during 2005 – 2015 in India
Author(s): Umesh Kapil, and Aakriti Gupta
Journal: Indian Journal of Community Health (JUN 2016) , 28(2): 208-211
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Measuring Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Developing Countries Using Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Zoe Dettrick, Hebe N. Gouda , Andrew Hodge, and Eliana Jimenez-Soto
Journal: PLOS ONE (JUN 2016) , 11(6): e0157110. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157110
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Maternal Health
Country(s): Indonesia
Prevalence and Predictors of "Small Size" Babies in Ethiopia: Indepth Analysis of the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey, 2011
Author(s): Alemu, Taddese; and Umeta, Melaku
Journal: Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences (MAY 2016) , 26(3):243-250; DOI: 10.4314/ejhs.v26i3.7
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Ethiopia
Forests, Trees, and Micronutrient-Rich Food Consumption in Indonesia
Author(s): Amy Ickowitz, Dominic Rowland, Bronwen Powell, Mohammad Agus Salim, and Terry Sunderland
Journal: PLOS ONE (MAY 2016) , 11(5): e0154139; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154139
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Indonesia
Predicting Maternal Health Care Use by Age at Marriage in Multiple Countries
Author(s): Deepali Godha, Anastasia J Gage, David R Hotchkiss, and Claudia Cappa
Journal: Journal of Adolescent Health (MAY 2016) , 58(5): 504-11; DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.01.001
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , Maternal Health , Other , Youth
Country(s): Bangladesh, Nepal, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Niger, Multiple Regions
Vaccine receipt and vaccine card availability among children of the apostolic faith: analysis from the 2010-2011 Zimbabwe demographic and health survey
Author(s): Jennifer Lara Kriss, James Goodson, Zorodzai Machekanyanga, Messeret Eshetu Shibeshi, Fussum Daniel, Balcha Masresha, and Reinhard Kaiser
Journal: Pan African Medical Journal (MAY 2016) , 24:47; doi:10.11604/pamj.2016.24.47.8663
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Zimbabwe
Feeding practices for infants and young children during and after common illness. Evidence from South Asia
Author(s): Kajali Paintal, and Víctor M. Aguayo
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (MAY 2016) , 12(S1): 39–71; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12222
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Multiple Asian Countries
Missed opportunities in full immunization coverage: findings from low- and lower-middle-income countries
Author(s): María Clara Restrepo-Méndez, Aluísio J. D. Barros, Kerry L. M. Wong, Hope L. Johnson, George Pariyo, Fernando C. Wehrmeister, and Cesar G. Victora
Journal: Global Health Action (MAY 2016) , 9: 30963; doi:10.3402/gha.v9.30963
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Other
Country(s): Multiple Regions
Risk Factors for Child Malnutrition in Bangladesh: A Multilevel Analysis of a Nationwide Population-Based Survey
Author(s): Mohammad Rocky Khan Chowdhury, Mohammad Shafiur Rahman, Mohammad Mubarak Hossain Khan, Mohammad Nazrul Islam Mondal, Mohammad Mosiur Rahman, and Baki Billah
Journal: Journal of Pediatrics (MAY 2016) , 172: 194-201.e1; DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.01.023
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): Bangladesh
Effect of socio-economic differentials on growth and development of children in five metropolitan cities of India
Author(s): Palaniappan Marimuthu, T R Kanmani, and K Sowmya
Journal: Indian Journal of Child Health (MAY 2016) , 3(2):129-132
Topic(s): Child Health and Development
Country(s): India
The Economic Burden of Malnutrition in Pregnant Women and Children under 5 Years of Age in Cambodia
Author(s): Regina Moench-Pfanner, Sok Silo, Arnaud Laillou, Frank Wieringa, Rathamony Hong, Rathavuth Hong, Etienne Poirot, and Jack Bagriansky
Journal: Nutrients (MAY 2016) , 8(5): 292; DOI: 10.3390/nu8050292
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): Cambodia
Rethinking policy perspectives on childhood stunting: time to formulate a structural and multifactorial strategy
Author(s): S.V. Subramanian, Iván Mejía-Guevara, and Aditi Krishna
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (MAY 2016) , 12(Suppl 1):219-36; DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12254.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Son Preference and Gender Gaps in Child Nutrition: Does the Level of Female Autonomy Matter?
Author(s): Shatanjaya Dasgupta
Journal: Review of Development Economics (MAY 2016) , 20(2): 375–386; DOI: 10.1111/rode.12231
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , Maternal Health , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Understanding the null-to-small association between increased macroeconomic growth and reducing child undernutrition in India: role of development expenditures and poverty alleviation
Author(s): William Joe, Ramaprasad Rajaram, and S. V. Subramanian
Journal: Maternal and Child Nutrition (MAY 2016) , 12(Suppl 1): 196-209. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12256.
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Nutrition , Wealth/Socioeconomics
Country(s): India
Socio-Economic Disparities in Use of Family Planning Methods among Pakistani Women: Findings from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys
Author(s): Aslam, Syeda Kanwal; Zaheer, Sidra; Qureshi, Muhammad Sameer; Aslam, Syeda Nisma; and Shafique, Kashif
Journal: PLOS ONE (APR 2016) , 11(4):1-9; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153313
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Education , Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences
Country(s): Pakistan
Risk factors of malaria in children under the age of five years old in Uganda
Author(s): Danielle Roberts, and Glenda Matthews
Journal: Malaria Journal (APR 2016) , 15:246; DOI: 10.1186/s12936-016-1290-x
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Malaria
Country(s): Uganda
Exploring spatial variations and factors associated with childhood stunting in Ethiopia: spatial and multilevel analysis
Author(s): Demewoz Haile, Muluken Azage, Tegegn Mola, and Rochelle Rainey
Journal: BMC Pediatrics (APR 2016) , 16:49; DOI: 10.1186/s12887-016-0587-9
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Geographic Information , Nutrition
Country(s): Ethiopia
Demographic and Health Trends in India (2005–06—2015–16): Results from Phase 1 of NFHS–4
Author(s): F. Ram, B Paswan, S.K. Singh, H. Lhungdim, Chander Sekhar, Abhishek Singh, Dhananjay W. Bansod, Manoj Alagarajan, L.K. Dwivedi, Sarang Pedgaonkar, Manas R. Pradhan, Fred Arnold, and Blake Zachary
Journal: Economic and Political Weekly (APR 2016) , 51(14)
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , Infant and Child Mortality , Nutrition
Country(s): India
Household air pollution and under-five mortality in India (1992-2006)
Author(s): Sabrina Naz, Andrew Page, and Kingsley Emwinyore Agho
Journal: Environmental Health (APR 2016) , 15(54): 1-11; DOI: 10.1186/s12940-016-0138-8
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): India
Association of Safe Disposal of Child Feces and Reported Diarrhea in Indonesia: Need for Stronger Focus on a Neglected Risk
Author(s): Aidan A. Cronin, Susy Katikana Sebayang, Harriet Torlesse, and Robin Nandy
Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MAR 2016) , 13(3), 310; doi:10.3390/ijerph13030310
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Indonesia
Association between order of birth and chronic malnutrition of children: a study of nationally representative Bangladeshi sample
Author(s): Mosfequr Rahman
Journal: Cadernos de Saúde Pública (MAR 2016) , 32(2); DOI: 10.1590/0102-311X00011215
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Nutrition
Country(s): Bangladesh
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