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Attitudes toward Intimate Partner Violence and Associations with Condom Use among Men in Haiti: An Analysis of the Nationally Representative Demographic Health Survey
Author(s): Donaldson F. Conserve, Guy-Lucien S. Whembolua, and Pamela J. Surkan
Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Violence (MAR 2016) , 31(6): 989-1006; DOI: 10.1177/0886260514564065
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Family Planning , Gender , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Haiti
Comparison and Association of Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Attitude towards people Living with HIV/AIDS among Women Aged 15-49 in Three East African Countries: Burundi, Ethiopia and Kenya
Author(s): Russom Teshome, Wang Youjie, Eyasu Habte, and Nuredin Mohamedkassm
Journal: Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research (MAR 2016) , 7:559. doi:10.4172/2155-6113.1000559
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Ethiopia, Kenya, Burundi, Multiple African Countries
The role of partners’ educational attainment in the association between HIV and education amongst women in seven sub-Saharan African countries
Author(s): Guy Harling, and Till Bärnighausen
Journal: Journal of the International AIDS Society (FEB 2016) , 19:20038;
Topic(s): Education , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among married women in rural Bangladesh and exposure to media: a secondary data analysis of the 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey
Author(s): Mohammad Asaduzzaman, Michiyo Higuchi, Mohammad Abul Bashar Sarker, and Nobuyuki Hamajima
Journal: Nagoya Journal of Medical Science (FEB 2016) , 78(1): 109–118
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Household and Respondent Characteristics
Country(s): Bangladesh
Characterizing HIV epidemiology in stable couples in Cambodia, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and India
Author(s): H. Chemaitelly, and L.J. Abu-Raddad
Journal: Epidemiology & Infection (JAN 2016) , 144(1):90-6. doi: 10.1017/S0950268815000758.
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Cambodia, India, Haiti, Dominican Republic
Proximate Context of HIV Stigma and Its Association with HIV Testing in Sierra Leone: A Population-Based Study
Author(s): J. Daniel Kelly, Sheri D. Weiser, Alexander C. Tsai,
Journal: AIDS and Behavior (JAN 2016) , 20(1): 65–70; DOI: 10.1007/s10461-015-1035-9
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Sierra Leone
Antenatal care and uptake of HIV testing among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-sectional study
Author(s): Jayleen K L Gunn, Ibitola O Asaolu, Katherine E Center, Steven J Gibson, Patrick Wightman, Echezona E Ezeanolue, and John E Ehiri
Journal: Journal of the International AIDS Society (JAN 2016) , 19:20605;
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Factors Associated with Ever Being HIV-Tested in Zimbabwe: An Extended Analysis of the Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (2010-2011)
Author(s): Takarinda KC, Madyira LK, Mhangara M, Makaza V, Maphosa-Mutsaka M, Rusakaniko S, Kilmarx PH, Mutasa-Apollo T, Ncube G, and Harries AD
Journal: PLOS ONE (JAN 2016) , 11(1):e0147828. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147828.
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Zimbabwe
Estimating the effect of HIV/AIDS on fertility among Malawian women using demographic and health survey data
Author(s): Emmanuel Souza, and Tom A Moultrie
Journal: African Journal of AIDS Research (DEC 2015) , 14(4): 315-321; DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2015.1093512
Topic(s): Fertility and Fertility Preferences , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Malawi
Attitudes of Violence and Risk for HIV: Impact on Women’s Health in Malawi
Author(s): Eusebius Small, and Silviya Pavlova Nikolova
Journal: Sexuality & Culture (DEC 2015) , 19(4):659-673. doi:10.1007/s12119-015-9285-2
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Malawi
The relationship between parental presence and child sexual violence: Evidence from thirteen countries in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Kidman R, and Palermo T.
Journal: Child Abuse & Neglect (NOV 2015) , pii: S0145-2134(15)00376-2. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.10.018. [Epub ahead of print]
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , Domestic Violence , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Household and Respondent Characteristics , Youth
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Patterns and trends of contraceptive use among sexually active adolescents in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Nigeria: evidence from cross-sectional studies
Author(s): Sennen Hounton, Aluisio J. D. Barros, Agbessi Amouzou, Solomon Shiferaw, Abdoulaye Maïga, Akanni Akinyemi, Howard Friedman, and Desmond Koroma
Journal: Global Health Action (NOV 2015) , 8: 10.3402/gha.v8.29737; doi: 10.3402/gha.v8.29737
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Burkina Faso, Multiple African Countries, Ethiopia, Nigeria
Children Living with HIV-Infected Adults: Estimates for 23 Countries in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Susan E. Short, and Rachel E. Goldberg
Journal: PLOS ONE (NOV 2015) , 10(11): e0142580; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142580
Topic(s): Child Health and Development , HIV/AIDS , Infant and Child Mortality
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Social determinants of HIV infection, hotspot areas and subpopulation groups in Ethiopia: evidence from the National Demographic and Health Survey in 2011
Author(s): Yihunie Lakew, Susan Benedict, and Demewoz Haile
Journal: BMJ Open (NOV 2015) , 5:e008669 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008669
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Ethiopia
Knowledge, attitudes and practices about HIV/AIDS in peruvian women
Author(s): Guillermo Pernaz-Linsuy, and César Cárcamo-Cavagnaro
Journal: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (OCT 2015) , 32(4): 667-672; DOI: 10.17843/rpmesp.2015.324.1756
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Peru
Factors Associated with HIV Prevalence and HIV Testing in Sierra Leone: Findings from the 2008 Demographic Health Survey
Author(s): Nataliya Brima, Fiona Burns, Ibidun Fakoya, Brima Kargbo, Suleiman Conteh, and Andrew Copas
Journal: PLOS ONE (OCT 2015) , 10(10): e0137055; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137055
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Sierra Leone
Experience in Premarital Sexual Intercourse among Unmarried Youth in Indonesia: an Analysis of Indonesia Demography and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012
Author(s): Yuniarini
Journal: Journal of Health Research (OCT 2015) , 29(5): 357-363; DOI: 10.14456/jhr.2015.26
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Indonesia
Domestic Violence and Sexual Health among Young Women in Zambia
Author(s): Kusathan Thankian, Sidney O. C. Mwaba, and Anitha J. Menon
Journal: African Research Review (SEP 2015) , 9(4):1-15; DOI: 10.4314/afrrev.v9i4.1
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Zambia
Dynamics of non-cohabiting sex partnering in sub-Saharan Africa: a modelling study with implications for HIV transmission
Author(s): Omori R., Chemaitelly H., and Abu-Raddad L.J.
Journal: Sexually Transmitted Infections (SEP 2015) , 91(6):451-7. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2014-051925.
Topic(s): Family Planning , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Survey Methodology, Data Quality, Analysis
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
Sikap Remaja terhadap Keperawanan dan Perilaku Seksual dalam Berpacaran
Author(s): Desi Rusmiati, and Sutanto Priyo Hastono
Journal: Kesmas: National Public Health Journal (AUG 2015) , 10(1): 29; DOI:
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Youth
Country(s): Indonesia
Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Infection in sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): Dick Durevall, and Annika Lindskog
Journal: World Development (AUG 2015) , 72:27–42; doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.02.012
Topic(s): Domestic Violence , Gender , HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
HIV/AIDS knowledge and stigma among women of reproductive age in Ethiopia
Author(s): Eshetu Gurmu, and Dula Etana
Journal: African Journal of AIDS Research (AUG 2015) , 14(3): 191-199; DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2015.1051066
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Ethiopia
Conundrum of Sexual Decision Making in Marital Relationships: Safer-Sex Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitudes of Married Women in Zambia
Author(s): Jonathan Anim Amoyaw, Vincent Zubedaar Kuuire, Godfred Odei Boateng, Yvonne Asare-Bediako, and Mengieng Ung
Journal: Journal of Sex Research (JUL 2015) , 52(8):868-77. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2014.996280
Topic(s): Family Planning , Fertility and Fertility Preferences , Gender , HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health
Country(s): Zambia
‘AIDS Won’t Infect You from Buying Vegetable’: Unmarried Youth Perception toward Shopkeepers Living With HIV/AIDS: Findings from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012
Author(s): Andi Angki Fatimah, and Pimonpan Isarabhakdi
Journal: Journal of Health Research (JUN 2015) , 29(3): 219-225; DOI: 10.14456/jhr.2015.9
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS , Youth
Country(s): Indonesia
HIV Treatment Scale-Up and HIV-Related Stigma in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Longitudinal Cross-Country Analysis
Author(s): Chan BT, Tsai AC, and Siedner MJ
Journal: American Journal of Public Health (JUN 2015) , 11:e1-e7. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302716
Topic(s): HIV/AIDS
Country(s): Multiple African Countries
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