Survey Summary

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Zimbabwe: Standard DHS, 2010-11
DHS Final Reports
Summary Reports/Key Findings
Working Papers
HIV Fact Sheets
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Survey Presentations
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Survey Datasets
Data Available
HIV Testing
Data Available
GPS Datasets
Data Available
SPA Datasets
Not Applicable
Country: Zimbabwe
Contract Phase: DHS-VI
Recode Structure: DHS-VI
Implementing Organization: Central Statistical Office
Fieldwork: September 2010 - March 2011
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 9756
Female: All Women
Age: 15 to 49
Sample Size: 9171
Male: All Men
Age: 15 to 54
Sample Size: 7480
Facilities: N/A
Survey Characteristics
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Anemia testing
  • Anthropometry
  • Birth registration
  • Calendar
  • CAPI survey
  • Cooking fuel
  • Domestic violence
  • Early childhood education
  • GPS/georeferenced
  • Health insurance
  • HIV behavior
  • HIV knowledge
  • HIV testing
  • HIV testing - DBS
  • Iodine salt test
  • Malaria questions
  • Male circumcision self-reported
  • Maternal mortality
  • Men's survey
  • Micronutrients
  • Social marketing
  • Tobacco use
  • Vitamin A questions
  • Women's status