Press Releases
May 24, 2016
Regional Health Data Mapping Workshop August 2016 The USAID-funded The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Program is searching for potential participants for a Regional Health
Data Mapping Workshop. The workshop will be held from August 8-12, 2016, in Accra,
Ghana. |
Mar 29, 2016
Regional Service Provision Assessment (SPA) Data Analysis Workshop The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is seeking applications from universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Health, and non-governmental organizations in Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, and Tanzania, for a Service Provision Assessment (SPA)* Data Analysis Workshop, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa from June 14 - 23, 2016. The workshop will teach participants to analyze the SPA data in their respective countries to address research questions related to delivery and quality of health services. The language for the workshop is English. Participants will work in teams of three people throughout the workshop to answer pre-identified research question(s) through analysis of SPA data. At the end of the workshop, each team will give a PowerPoint presentation outlining their final research questions, preliminary literature review, conceptual framework, key variables, analytical methods, preliminary analysis results, and policy implications. Please send applications and inquiries to Arlene Iriho ( no later than April 19th, 2016. Download the application here>> |
Nov 10, 2015
2016 Francophone Regional DHS and MIS Malaria Analysis Workshop Le programme des enquêtes démographiques et de la santé (The Demographic and Health Surveys Program) souhaitait recevoir des demandes pour un atelier d'analyse de données du paludisme duré de 8 jours qui doit se tenir dans ou autour de Bamako, Mali, de la 7-15 mars 2016. L'atelier régional enseignera aux participants d'analyser des bases de données EDS/EIP avec l'accent sur les données de paludisme. Le logiciel statistique « Stata 14 » sera fourni pour l'utilisation au cours de l'atelier. Le contenu de l'atelier comprend l'échantillonnage et la pondération des données de l'enquête, le recodage des variables, le calcul d'indicateurs du paludisme, la régression linéaire/logistique et l'utilisation de données pour prendre des décisions. Les participants travailleront en équipe de 2-3 personnes tout au long de l'atelier pour répondre à une question de recherche sur le paludisme grâce à l'analyse de données EDS/EIP. Le produit final sera un résumé pour la soumission à un journal ou une conférence scientifique. S'il vous plaît envoyer les demandes et des questions à Ms. Soni Fitzhugh ( ou en français à Dr. Lia Florey ( La date limite pour les soumissions est le 7 décembre 2015. Télécharger l'application ici>> Read more |
Nov 10, 2015
2016 Regional DHS and MIS Malaria Analysis Workshop The DHS Program is seeking applications for an eight day malaria data analysis workshop to be held in or around Kampala, Uganda from February 1st-9th, 2015.The regional workshop will teach participants to analyze Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) data sets with a special focus on malaria data. The statistical software Stata 14 will be provided for use during the workshop. The content of the workshop includes sampling/weighting of survey data, recoding variables, computation of malaria indicators, linear/logistic regression, and data use for decision making. Participants will work in teams of 2-3 people throughout the workshop to answer a pre-identified malaria-related research question through analysis of DHS/MIS data. The final product will be a draft of an abstract for submission to a scientific journal or conference. Please send applications and inquiries to Ms. Soni Fitzhugh ( no later than December 7th, 2015. Download the 2016 application here>> |
Nov 06, 2015
New National Survey Shows Declining Malaria Rates among Children in Uganda KAMPALA, UGANDA. Uganda is winning the war against malaria, according to the newly released national survey results. Results show that about one in five children aged under five is infected with malaria. This represents a 50% decline since 2009 when more than 40% of children tested positive for the disease. "This is great news for Uganda, as the survey results show a reduced malaria burden on the nation," said Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, the Director General of Health Services in the Ministry of Health. Read more |