Press Releases
MEASURE DHS releases a new CD on female genital cutting (FGC)
Calverton, MD. The CD-Rom assembles all information on female genital cutting (FGC) collected since 1989 under the DHS project, including: FGC chapters from final reports, survey questionnaires on FGC, text of FGC module currently used, and DHS publications on FGC, including a newly released comparative report. For a free copy of the CD, see the contact information below.
In 1989 DHS began asking questions about FGC in countries where FGC was known to be practiced. To date DHS has collected data on FGC in 17 countries in Africa plus Yemen, usually using a separate FGC module. Information on FGC, generally presented as a separate chapter in DHS final reports, includes prevalence at national and sub-national levels, age at circumcision, person who performed the operation, opinion on the continuation of the practice, and sometimes type of FGC performed.
Since 1984, the MEASURE DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) project has assisted host country organizations throughout the world in conducting nationwide surveys on fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, as well as child survival, HIV/AIDS and nutrition. ORC Macro provides technical and administrative oversight for the DHS project which is funded by USAID.