DHS in the News
Journalists worldwide write about The DHS Program results. The dissemination of DHS, SPA and HIV data is often widely covered by media in survey countries, but journalists also use The DHS Program data throughout the year as background information for their stories, or to compare health and development indicators across countries. These data are also used by journalists in the United States and other developed countries, as it is considered the gold standard of population, health and nutrition data. Below are some examples of recent news coverage. Please note: The links below are to websites outside The DHS Program.
10 key highlights from the 2019-20 demographic and health survey
Patrick Nzabonimpa
"...The entire article is RDHS data! (Like a summary of the Summary Report); however 2 slight data issues worth mentioning: for childhood nutrition indicators they say 33% of Rwanda children aged 6-59 months are stunted, but anthropometry was done for all children under 5 "The use of modern methods for family planning by married women has increased by 10 per cent between 2014-15 and 2019-20" when it is not 10%, but 10 percentage points. I think we can still share this article, but just noting this for further discussion..."
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